Sunday, January 27, 2008

From the Teachings of Yitro

In the first scroll, Genesis we went from a pradise into Egypt, which in this scripture represents the snares of the material realm. In the second scroll, Exodus, we found outselves enslaved by our attachments. We cried out and were led out of bondage into freesom. We began to cross the wilderness toward a promised land of non-duality, fullness and peace. On the third month after crossing over the Reed Sea and beginning our adventures in the wilderness, Yitro (Jethro), Moses' mentor and father-in-law appears and instructs Moses and all of us how to carry ourselves in this purification journey of awakening. This portion of scripture is known as the heart of the heart of the Torah. This is Sinai, the revelation of the eternal wisdom.

Selections from Names/Shemot in Yitro, Exodus 18.1-20.23
Yitro hears all. With loving respect Moses prostrates before him
A fountain of blessings is God, says Yitro, who is freeing you

Draw up from within yourself the capable one
Humbled before the vastness, who loves straight-forwardness
Let this, your nobility, govern you through all seasons of life

In three days God’s coming to meet you
(Start counting now)
Sanctify yourselves by washing your garments (your actions)

Men and women stay apart three days
(Build vitality)
Set boundaries about the mount
By respecting one another’s boundaries, thus we ascend

Morning of the third day -- look at the mountain
It’s altogether billowing smoke as if from a great furnace
Bolts of thunder tearing open the heavens
Lightning flashing all about and fire coming down

The mountain is trembling. God’s descending in fire
Everything’s shaking
(and so are we, can’t talk, can’t move)

The sound’s getting louder
(We enter its silence and hear)
I am the Lord your God who brings you out of bondage
Out of the straits, out of narrow-mindedness

I am God. I show thousands of generations of mercy
Take my names and use them wisely

The seventh day celebrate the oneness
Bring honor to your parents
(and teachers with an honorable life)

Don’t kill off anyone
(with put-downs, including yourself)
And don’t adulterate (the purity in you)

Whenever you steal, you steal from yourself; so don’t bother
And no false witnessing –
(say what you see, no more, no less)

When you covet anything that someone else has
That stops your own estate from manifesting
Make an earthen altar
(Make an altar of this earth)