Monday, July 22, 2013

A Fair Way Forever

A Fair Way Forever
Notes on Shelach Numbers 13.1-15.37

Scout the land, be of good courage, see if there’s wood there
Yes, an exceedingly good land that flows with milk and honey
Wood, the tree of life

God delights in us, God will bring us into this land
And give it to us forever  Talking to you and me  

Don’t rebel against God, nor fear any people

Tomorrow turn and get into the wilderness  
Back by the way of the Reed sea  This book’s a mirror
Still a few things for us to let go of -- and take on
Pardon my iniquities and transgressions, we pray
Jeremiah says, Turn me and I shall be turned

Rise up early in the morning, get to the top of the mountain
Morning prayer and meditation take us to the mountaintop where we see
All the earth is filled with my glory

The glory of God appears in the Tent-of-Meeting
Set aside a portion of what comes to you – as gifts to God
Which means to everyone, God manifesting as this creation

To come into the land I’m giving you, make free will offerings
Burnt offerings, peace offerings, good will offerings
Food offerings and drink offerings
All are sweet savor before God

The Ark of the Covenant does not depart from the camp
By genuinely dedicating our lives and the fruits of our actions
For the benefit of all, in this way we enter and dwell in the promised land

Make fringes in the corners of some of your garments
And with the fringe of each corner – put a thread of blue
Whenever we look at that color we remember God’s teachings
Look - a beautiful thread of blue

Let there be one law for you and for strangers and foreigners
A fair way forever for all your generations

Ani Eloheem
I am God who brings you out of the narrows and into freedom

Num 13-15 Shelach One Pager Compilations Torah Gita