The Healing Breath
greetings of peace in Satchidananda.
You may try out some deep breathing with visualizations to heal any area
of your body and mind. Here is how to do so.
1. Sit quietly and comfortably with straight back, open shoulders and chest.
Invoke the one you adore; pay respect, invite protection and guidance.
2. Begin deep three-part breathing (Dheerga
Swasam). After a couple minutes …
3. Add visualization and a short retention at top of the in-breath, and
continue a few minutes longer.
4. Sit quietly with normal breathing enjoying the results of this
Swasam Deep
three-part breathing:
a. Inhale through the nostrils way down into the lowest portion of the
lungs, until the abdomen puffs out a little. (Don’t overdo it or strain).
b. Breathe it out gently and slowly through the nostrils.
c. At the end of the out-breath, draw in the diaphragm a little to force
out a bit more air from the bottom of the lungs.
d. After a few in and out breaths, next time fill up the abdominal
portion of the lungs and also the
chest area.
e. Breathe it out slowly as before, remembering to draw in the abdomen a
little at the end of the exhale.
f. After a couple times, repeat same, but this time and in this order: fill
the abdominal portion, the chest portion and
also breath in and also up into the chest all the way to the chin, so the
collar bone tends to rise just a little -- like filling a vessel from the
bottom to the top.
Be careful not to work too hard at this or move the body much. It’s
mostly directing the breath with the mind. This is Dheerga Swamam, the deep three-part Yogic breath, which brings 8-10
times more oxygen into the blood.
The Visualization & Short Retention (3-8
seconds whatever is comfortable):
a. During the in-breath visualize white light/gold light prana (vital energy) coming into your
system from above, down through the crown of the head and down into the
area that isn’t well.
b. During the short retention, visualize the prana circulating about in that area, cleaning, purifying and
strengthening all the cells and muscles in that part of the body.
c. During the out-breath visualize any weaknesses or disturbances in
that area of the body (and mind) washing out of the system, out of the body.
d. Repeat a few times.
This is a very powerful practice. Try it out two or three times/day.
You will see results within a few days, or even sooner.