Child Bearing Ritual and Priestly Service
Selections from Tazria in Leviticus 12.1-13.59
When a woman bears a male child
She may have a seven day retreat from men and community
When a woman bears a female child
She may have a two week retreat from men and community
These retreats are blessings for the mother
On the eighth day a new child may be dedicated to the sacred
The eighth day, the day of infinity, a day beyond space and time Lev: 12.3
The mother of a male child may continue her retreat for 33 days
The mother of a female child may continue her retreat for 66 days
Woman to woman, mother-daughter bonding, more time given
On completion of such periods of purification
The mother is a priestess at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting
This ritual and purification brings forward the priestess within
When performed sincerely, it brings one to the threshold of communion
She may now present a burnt, uplifting offering
For her new son or daughter
Joyful thanks for this child who is the fruit of her labor pains
And a sin offering in expiation (asking God’s forgiveness ahead of time)
For the child’s possible misbehavior while still learning the way
And for any inadvertent errors she may have committed
While withdrawn from community
Thus one is cleansed from the flow of blood Lev: 12.7
Blood is a symbol of mortality. Cleansing of blood reveals our immortality
When there are physical ailments needing attention
Such shall be reported to the priest or priestess
Who is asked to come investigate
The priest or priestess within also has healing gifts
The priest or priestess can declare an uncleanness or poor health
And the priest or priestess can also declare a person clean
And welcome that person back into the community
The priest or priestess within has these gifts for service to others