Wednesday, September 2, 2015

These Are The Words

Selections from Devarim/Words  Deut. 1.1-3.22
A  Song for Truth  Seekers Wherever  You  May Be

Now these are the words that Moses addresses to all YisraEl
 To our enlightened Self on the other side of the Jordan

You stand today near the objective: our homeland
You’ve stayed long enough around this place. Now rise up
Get over the brook, take your journey and pass over

Return everyone unto your possession
To the homestead I‘ve assigned you    your natural calling

Scout the place and see. Look north. Begin the occupation
Engage in battle. Take possession of the land Yah-El God is giving
No longer put up with old foolishness, yours or anyone’s

When encumbered with strife and resentments
Bring forward the wise person within you full of understanding

Respect all people, small and great alike
Don’t set yourself above anyone – nor below
Fear not the face of any man

God carries us like a father carries his child on his shoulder
And goes before us in fire by night, in the cloud by day
Look up and see the stars and sky above

Joshua, the victorious one, stands within you
He’ll cause YisraEl to inherit the land
A noble warrior leads us to the goal

May the God of your fathers and mothers
Make you even more than you are – a thousand-fold blessing

Look, God has given you this land to possess.
Go up, take possession. Don’t be afraid or resigned
God goes before you and fights for you

With childlike innocence and no knowledge of good or evil
You may enter the land of non-duality and possess it  Experience oneness
Look, God is multiplying you as the stars of heaven
We are the stars of heaven

Weekly Selections from Deuteronomy
Drawn from the Travelers Torah Gita Calendar