from Devarim/Words in Va-Ethannan Deut. 3.23-7.11
Scattered among the peoples – seek God with all heart and
Listen Yisra-El all you children of the light
The Lord your God is the oneness of everything everywhere
I am Yah El the Lord, your
God. I hear the pleas of my people.
I’m bringing you up from the narrow places
Be careful and walk the way I’m showing and teaching you
Now see with your own eyes: Practice
this visualization
A mountain flaming high into a dark dense sky and
A mighty voice speaking out of fire and thick clouds
Becoming ten sounds, ten words
Ten symbols inscribed on two tables of stone
With a strong hand God rescues us from blinding bondage
Out of the midst of fire, Yah God speaks with us face to face
And strikes a covenant with us saying Duet. 4.11-13
I am beyond any manner of likeness one could draw or
I show mercy for thousands of generations
Honor your parents, you will long endure and increase
Sacred is the Sabbath, a seventh day – make it so
Of course don’t murder people or be adulterous
Or steal from each other or bear false
witness against anyone
Or covet your neighbor’s spouse or
home or vehicles or wealth
Ten words Ten letters, such as: Alef, Bayt, Gimal, Dalet, Heh,
Vahv, Zayin, cHet, Tet, Yohd
Impress them in the hearts of your children
Bind them as a sign on your hands and
between your eyes
On the doorposts of your house and
write them on your gates
They are your gates
If you make God your treasure, you’ll find God’s love is
on you
Be a nation who has God close at hand
Go the mountain top. Strike a covenant with God.
Inherit the good land
Weekly Selections
from Deuteronomy
Drawn from the Travelers Torah Gita Calendar