The Eighth Day
Selections from Shemini in Leviticus 9.1-11.47
On the eighth day Moses calls Aaron
Aaron’s children and the elders of Israel
We've been given the design of the sanctuary and are called to bring it to life
On this, "the Eighth Day," Shemini, the day of infinity
Bring offerings before God to the front of the Tent of Meeting
For today God is appearing to you (Put your offerings on your own altar)
Bring your offerings to the altar thus making expiation
For yourself, for your family, for your people and for all humanity
If our offerings are sincere, they are accepted and we find ourselves
In the presence of holiness
Lift your hands toward the people and bless them, Moses continues
Then Moses and Aaron go inside the tent of meeting
When they come out, they bless the people
And the presence of God appears to all
Fire comes forth and consumes the offerings
The people shout (exulting) and fall on their faces Lev: 9.22-24
Aaron’s sons, Nadav and Avihu, each takes his fire pan
Puts fire in it; lays incense on it, and offers himself to God
Fire from Yah consumes them; they die instantly.
The glory of God is on all the people
Nadav and Avihu give themselves utterly, and suddenly
Amazing grace all over the place … on everyone’s face
Moses exclaims to Aaron: This is what God meant
Through those near me I am sanctified
Upon the faces of the people I am glorified
Rabbi Shefa Gold explains, one is transformed through such giving
God takes us rather than our gifts. In that moment of selflessness
The glory of God appears upon the faces of people
Aaron is silent (He sees and remains poised in equanimity) Lev: 10.3
Moses asks about the sin offering (and discovers it’s been)
Already burned, but not consumed. What? Moses becomes disturbed
Why didn’t you eat the sin offering; it’s the most holy
It’s given to you to remove the guilt of the entire community
Look, says Aaron (the high priest), today my sons
Brought their offerings before God and such has befallen me
Had I eaten today (for the community’s expiation)
Would God have approved? Moses hears and approves Lev: 10
I am your God. Sanctify yourselves and be holy for I am holy
I am the one who brings you up from mitzraim to be your God Lev: 11
From the straits, from the clutches of materiality
When serving as priest or priestess
Don’t drink wine or take other intoxicants (Stay focused and clear minded)
During times of such service don’t use alcohol, pills or drugs to get high
Use prayers of thanks, songs of devotion and selfless actions
Discern what is sacred and what is not
Teach seekers along the way the guidelines
God is passing through Moses and through you
Take of the leftover meal offerings dedicated to God and eat them
Accept the gifts God is giving you without self-consciousness
It’s for the service of everyone
This is your due for all time (Genuine loving with one another)
Do not eat camels, reptiles, swine or swarming things
Do not eat carnivores or bottom dwellers. Don’t make yourself unclean
Restrict what you eat. Take only the best fuel for your bodies
Fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, nuts yogurt
I am raising you up, says God Lev: 11.45
To make a difference in the world