Tuesday, May 5, 2015

You Are Ordained to Wear the Vestments

Selections and Notes from Emor in VaYikra – The Call, Leviticus 21.1-24.23

Talk to the priest or priestess within you
Upon whose head the anointing oil comes down             
You are ordained to wear the vestments

There is a part of us each that is forever pure and holy
That quality in us is “ordained to wear the vestments.”
Be holy for I Yah am holy   Yah, YHVH, God               

When you are suffering a blemish (physically, mentally or emotionally)
Refrain from performing priestly services and make no offerings
Nor accept offerings to God from others - until you are clean again

If you become unclean or blemished, wait until evening
Then bathe in clean water. After sunset you are cleansed again

Whoever brings offerings to God, whether these be vows
Free-will offerings, burnt offerings or sacrifice and peace offerings
Bring only the best, the unblemished as your offerings to God
That you may be accepted and blessed

Always leave a baby animal with its mother for seven days
Do not slaughter the mother and its young on the same day
When possible, don’t kill any animals at all, the babe or the mother

Follow my word, my teachings, my guidance
I am hallowed among the children of Yisra-El
In the community of devotees God is the sacredness in our midst

Proclaim three appointed seasons to be holy convocations
Work six days, the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest  

The first month (Nisan, March-April), the 14th day at dusk
Begins the Passover, the 15th day is the feast of unleavened bread
Seven days eat unleavened bread and bring fire offerings to Yah
Fire offerings - fruits of self-discipline, austerities or sufferings – offered up

Count seven weeks from the 2nd day of Passover
Number 50 days and present new offerings unto Yah, to God

Don’t reap the entire harvest of your land  (your earnings)
Leave the corners of your field for the poor and the stranger
For I am YHVH your God   Charitably share a portion of your income

Have but one law for both the home born and for strangers, I am Yah

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Instruments of Service in the Tent of Meeting

Selections from Naso, Numbers 4.21-7.89

Take a census of the Levites – from age 30 to age 50
From Lamed to Nun, from L to N, a pathway along the tree of life.
This is the lineage of Aharon (a Levite, priest and priestess are in us each)

Carry the cloth of the Tabernacle, of the Sanctuary
The cross bars, the pillars and the sockets, the pegs and the chords,
We carry the cloth of the tabernacle in our hands, in our skin
We are the sockets of the Tabernacle, the cross bars, the pegs and the cords

Each of us is given a response-ability to use in our service
As is appointed to us by God                                                         from Num. 4.21-49                                              

Remove from your midst eruptions, discharges and defilements
Don’t defile your camp in whose midst I dwell (be pure and peaceful as possible)

When we do something wrong to another person
We’re breaking faith with God

Soon as we realize our error, confess it, take responsibility
And make restitution, adding another fifth (going the extra mile)
                                                                                                            from Num. 5.2-10                                                

Be free from the water of bitterness
When a fit of jealousy comes over us, let us stand before God
And carry out a ritual until we’re clear of guilt and distress      

Whoever declares a nazerite (purification) vow to set one’s self apart for God
Abstains from alcohol and all grape products, avoids dead bodies
Doesn’t cut his or her hair, and remain consecrated
Until the completion of the term of purification as a nazerite of God

At such a time come to a place of communion with the divine
Shave off your hair as an offering and rededicate yourself to sacred service
You may bring missing-the-mark (sin) offerings and a burnt offerings
Sin, missing the mark, errors in judgement, gifts to others
Burnt offerings, dedicating one’s self-discipline or suffering as offerings to God

In this way bless people, declaring
   May God bless you and guard you
      May God’s faces shine upon you and grace you
         May God’s face be lifted up to you and give you peace

I am putting my name on YisraEl and blessing you               from Num 5.11- 6.27
God’s name is God’s presence. Each of us is a holy letter
A sacred power and a sacred name.  Whoever is taking himself on is Yisra-El