Saturday, July 13, 2013

If You Dare

In the Mountains Looking West

About our souls while we’re sleeping
Probably playing cards and talking Torah
“’Scuse me folks, I see Praha’s about to wake up, gotta go.”
“Wait, is it morning or is he just taking a leak?”

The great question: Where do our souls go while we’re sleeping?
And secondly: Does my soul have to come back
Every time I get up if only to reach for another blanket

O’ how I love it up here in these Blue Ridge Mountains
‘Cept the gnats have come in mid-July. Still …
There are birds singing in the eastern trees
Or trees singing that sound like birds

The objective is – to be at one with these mountains

Honey bee flying from blossom to blossom
Then a quick spin over here to check me out
Or this sound of pen on paper

Meditation in the Mountains
Shepherd David says that God says
The Wind is My Messenger

Sitting cross-legged on pine needles in late afternoon shade
A breeze moving the tall grass. It’s message?

“ L i s t e n ”

Listen all directions
Now the breeze is strong again saying, “Right on!”
Rockin’ and praying my gratitude.

Insects buzzing.
Airplane in the sky sound
Car passing behind me
Now just the soft still hum of the mountain silence

A Prayer, a Petition
Before he left his body
Among the last words I heard my teacher say, were these
“Pray, make me a good listener”

Sages say
First praise God, then present your petition

Too late for me now. Never too late
All this spiritual stuff is timeless
Do some praising now and we’ll call this

T h e   B e g i n n i n g

Praises to You, to Thee, to Thou
For beginning creation with

T h e   A l e f
Praises to Thee for this Message in this Wind over the Land
in the mountains this golden afternoon

Praise your name
All sounds are your name

Is this sitting and writing being “at one with the mountains”
Or should I stop moving my hand and my mind
How to do that -- and please make me a good listener

You’re learning how to play this game, finally
Don’t have to stop the mind.
Just step outside the mind now and then
It will stop on its own

Coming in from the west late gold sun in the tall grass blessing us with
Many good opportunities (new moon today)
West is opportunity
   Offering teachings
A gift from the infinite depth of the West

If study and investigations of Kabbalah
Are not enhancing your radiant love for all
Then it is not yet effective
Go back to Kabbalah for Beginners Only
And look carefully at the Alef every so often
That’ll set you on the right path this time
Now step this way if you dare

I f   Y o u   d a r e
Let us sometimes be whom we’re called to be
Even if it is a bit different from our usual day to day life
Even if we slip away for a few hours from our regular schedule
And go up in the mountains

Blue Ridge Mountain Journal, Prahaladan 7/9/13