Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Friday night in Tel Aviv

Friday night in Tel Aviv one block from the sea
After forty years here I am back in Israel
Watching the red sun set west into the Mediterranean

It’s hot here, also lovely. This Sabbath night
I’m heading for the sea
This Tel Aviv is a modern hip Mediterranean city
The streets are safe enough, I see
For women to walk here and there alone in the dark

It feels both strange to be here, and home again also
12:30 at night I’m walking down to the beach
(5:30 in the afternoon back in Virginia)
Okay, here I am (he-nay-nee) send me, use me

Gentle waves rolling in loud, standing in the sound
A cool summer breeze blowing over soft sand
Batches of grey beneath a dark blue night sky

The taste of eons, timeless time
Beyond history, beyond names and countries
And newspaper headlines -- just this open sea

Out there is Africa and Europe, Turkey, Italy and Greece
Egypt, Spain and Morocco. When I was a young Navy frogman
I used to swim in these waters. Now I’ve come back
To this holy land on another octave. O my God
Let me be a clearing for peace, an ocean of love and light