Monday, September 15, 2014

Enter the Covenant and Cross Over the Jordan

Enter the Covenant

Selections from Devarim/Words in Nitzavim   Deut. 29.9-30.20

We stand this day all of us before God
Let us enter again into the sacred covenant

“If you’ll be our God, we’ll be your people”
  “If you’ll be my people, I’ll be your God”

Thus God is established as our beloved
And we are established as God’s people

As we return to God and heed these teachings
With all heart and soul, God restores our fortunes
As we walk the Blessing Way, we too are blessed

God is bringing us together from the four corners of the earth
Into the land our ancestors occupied
An awakened state.  All our parts come together in oneness

As we walk in these teachings
God opens our hearts to love all and serve all

We experience abounding prosperity in all our undertakings
God delights in our well-being

Set before us this day is life or death, prosperity or adversity
Heaven and earth are called and present to witness our choices

Surely this isn’t baffling to you – or beyond your reach
Choose life, choose love, choose the Lord your God

Walk in the way of these teachings; thrive and increase

By following these teachings and holding fast to their source
We will live and long endure in this Promised Land

Which are  the awarenesses of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
Of loving-kindness, courage and perfected faith

Cross Over the Jordan

Selections from Devarim/Words in Vayelech  Deut. 31.1-30

As you cross over the Jordon, God crosses at your head
As we transcend, we are crowned with divinity

Destroying the nations already there
Fear, worry, greed, dullness, criticism, sense of lack and self-righteousness
And Joshua (the invincible) goes over before you
Now be strong and of good courage
It’s Yah who goes with you and God doesn’t fail or forsake you

To the Joshua (in us) God says: Go with the people into the land
Cause them to inherit it. I go before you; fear nothing

Teach this song to your children and students
A song of witnessing   Observing without judging
A song bringing us into a land flowing with milk and honey

A song never forgotten for all generations, revealing
God is the witness, the omniscient and the omnipresent

Assemble all the people and speak these teachings
That all may hear and have awe before God
And be moved to walk in the Way

And children to come will also hear and learn the Way
In doing this, you will live long in the land over the Jordan
(A Promised Land of illumination)

Take this book of wisdom-instruction and put it  in your heart
Beside the Ark of the Covenant with God

Eat your fill.  As you wax fat  but be careful not to
Turn to other gods but look within for the Levities
The holiness within  bearing the Ark of the Covenant

Assemble all your elders and leaders and call heaven and earth
To witness  this revelation that   I am alive and in your midst

Moses is writing the song of the Torah this very day
Teaching the letters and words to us even now
And listen -- Singing this song into our ears and into our hearts