Saturday, September 17, 2016

Fulfill the Words That Cross Your Lips

Power, wisdom, compassion, honesty, kindness and being careful
Here is a package of treasures for each of us

Fulfill the Words That Cross Your Lips
                            Selections from Ki Teitze in Deuteronomy 21.10 -25.9

Wherever you go and wherever you are
This is the camp of the Lord

When you say you’ll do something, do it!                                     Deut: 23.24
Fulfill the words that cross your lips (such integrity is empowering)

If you feel impure, bathe in clean water
And re-dedicate yourself to your most noble intentions

Use honest weights and measures                                                Deut: 25.13
With no alternate weights in your pouch
In this way endure in the land of your sacred inheritance

Don’t be indifferent to another’s difficulties or losses
Assist however you can

You’re always free to divorce (No one owns another, but …)
When you marry, consider it forever 
Give happiness to the person you marry

Do not regularly dress yourself as someone you are not               Deut: 22.5
Don’t pretend; be who you are

Do not prostitute yourself
Even for what you consider a sacred cause                                    Deut: 23.18

Lend to relatives and friends without charging interest
Thus, God blesses you in all your undertakings

Never defame anyone
Or speak disrespectfully of their intimate life

Whoever takes sexual advantage of an innocent woman or man
Must stand face to face before our mother and father in heaven

Do not abhor or exclude anyone who may derive
From another culture, ethnic background or nationality
Including those from races or lands where we were persecuted

Remember to forget Amalek  (our enemy over the ages)               Deut: 25.17-19
“Beware of pride until your dying day” -– Baal Shem Tov. No matter how successful or evolved, be always vigilant to see one’s own foolishness