Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Eleven Treasures – A Vast Wealth Within

Selections from Devarim/Words in V'zot Habracha Deut. 33.1-34.12

God comes from Sinai with lightning flashing   Signs of revelation
The tribes are assembling Now draw forth the treasures of these parts within

Let Ruben live and not die. Let his people be numbered
Ruben is our immortality. Each day we dedicate counts on high

Hear the voice of King Judah   Genuine prayer is enthroning
Levi, your breastplate is filled with faith, your prayer
A sweet aroma   Levi is the sincere devotee in us each

O’ Benjamin, you dwell forever between the shoulders of God
God dwells between our shoulders in our Benjamin heart

For you Joseph, the dew of heaven, the best of worlds
Everywhere treasures in the everlasting hills
Joseph, our foundation stone, is the illumined sage within

Rejoice Zebulon on your journeys and Issachar in your tents
Sacrifice in the mountains. Draw riches from the infinite depths Issachar charts the heavens. Zeb gets wealth from the seas

Gad, a mighty one of valor, fulfills God’s design
Blesses and enlarges us. Gad is a fierce lion protector
Tearing arm and scalp, expanding east.   Gad is our integrity

Dan, a lion’s whelp springing forth   a power goddess
Eden, headwaters of the Jordan is Dan, a fountain of Torah

Naftali is the land of opportunity awash in God’s blessings
Everywhere gold compassion, everywhere wisdom silver
Naftali is your wish-fulfilling gem

Most blessed is Asher who dips his foot in oil, favorite of his kin
Secure all his days.  Generosity, meditation, silent service
Asher is our children and this is our wealth

The ancient one is your refuge. Be happy, O’ Yisra-EL
All ye disciples of holiness. You are supported by everlasting arms

Be fearless now, ascend the heights   refine your consciousness
And view the lands that God is giving you

Weekly Selections from Deuteronomy
Drawn from the Travelers Torah Gita Calendar