Tuesday, October 13, 2015

How to Live Forever

Selections from In-the-Beginning/B’re-sheet in Noach Genesis 6.9-9.1
These are the generations of Noah    We are those generations
A man righteous and wholehearted and in this way
Noah walks with God
When the earth becomes corrupt and full of violence
Body ages, begins breaking down, readies to dissolve
God says to Noah (the Noah in us can hear the inner guidance)
Make a wooden ark with compartments
300 long, 50 wide, 30 high 
Each numeral is a letter symbol: 300/Shin, 50/Nun, 30/Lamed 
Create light at the top in your ark    (Let there be light)
With an entrance on its side and with three levels (decks)
Visualize this ark in your heart and mind
I’m bringing the flood. Except for you
The breath of life from under heaven is perishing
Shows what happens when we leave our physical bodies
But I’m establishing my covenant with you
And your companion and your children. Enter the ark
Noah is a name for our soul. The ark is our covenant with God
Take also into the ark every living thing of all flesh
Both male and female who come unto you to keep them alive
Take food for yourselves and for them.
Entering the ark in these bodies, we bring all species of life
Noah does according to what God shows him   He’s our model
In Noah’s 600th year in the second month …
Each number is a power symbol.  The 2nd month, Iyar/Apr-May   
The fountains of the great deep burst apart
The windows of heaven break open   (the infinite depth of  Gevurah Courage)
Waters of the flood are on the earth
Rain falls forty days and forty nights   40/40, the letter Mem, M repeated
The ark floats on the face of the waters that prevail
Even 15 measures above the high mountains under heaven.
Blotted out from earth is every living substance above ground
Only Noah and those with him remain
There are three decks in the ark, three types of faith
Standing on the top deck everything in the world disappears
Pure consciousness alone remains
The waters prevail on earth 150 days.
God remembers Noah and every living thing
Noah awakens, remembers God. Noah is re-membered

A wind passes over the earth, the waters assuage
In the 7th month the ark comes to rest on Mount Ararat
The 10th month (Tevet/Dec-Jan) mountaintops can be seen
Noah sends out a raven and a dove
Which toward evening returns with a plucked olive leaf
On the 1st day of the new year  (Nisan/Mar-Apr)
Noah removes the covering from the ark
Noah’s story shows how to listen, act, and live forever
In the 2nd month the earth is dry. God says to Noah
You and your family go forth from the ark
Bring every living thing
Be fruitful and multiply -- and replenish the earth
Pass along what you’re given and increase a thousand-fold
Noah builds an altar unto God  (and so can we)
In all generations you may re-establish your covenant with me
The sign of our pact is my rainbow in the clouds
When we see it, you and I, remember the pact between us
Whenever we see a rainbow, let us also remember, and feel the Presence
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