Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Levitcus Selections for Yom Kippur

  Levitcus Selections for Yom Kippur - Day of At-One-Ment
From  Achrey Mot: 16.1-18.30

Seventh month tenth day practice self-denial  A fasting day
A teaching guidance for all time
Day of atonement, cleansed of all sins   (from Lev. 16)

Yah speaks to Moshe  God speaks to Moses and to all of us  
Don’t come at will into your inner shrine, but first bathe in water 
Then come with a sin offering and a burnt offering
A sin offering, confess your error(s)
And a burnt offering -- offer up your suffering or self-discipline

Stand before Yah at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting
With glowing coals scooped from the altar and handfuls of aromatic incense
Glowing coals, sincere devotion; aromatic incense, heartfelt prayers

Wash your clothes, bathe in water.  Re-enter the camp 
You’re clothed in your actions, which is your aura
Do good and be good, and thus re-enter the holy assembly

I am Yah – El, the Lord your God
Faithfully follow my guidelines and teachings
By pursuing these, you shall live (in reality with refined awareness)

Do not become physically intimate with family members
Nor with others during times of menstruation
Nor with spouses of neighbors

Don’t marry a woman as a rival to her sister while she lives
Nor marry man as a rival to his brother while he lives

Don’t bow to false gods (fame, wealth, etc.) and thus mislead your children
Nor profane my sacred names.  I am Yah (YHVH)

Heterosexuals have physical intimacy only with other heterosexuals
Don’t have carnal relationships with any animals
For that defiles you and the land
Which (in turn) will spew you out
Avoid such practices; keep my charge. I am the Lord your God                                (from Lev 18)                    

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