Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sri Gurudev

Don’t Search for Pain   1977 I was living in the Connecticut Ashram. Sri Gurudev encouraged us to study Sri Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, and commit to memory the sutras (threads, aphorisms) he said were most important for us to know. Among those was the first sutra in the second pada (portion): Accepting pain as an aid in purification; study of spiritual books (to know the Self); and surrender to the Supreme Being -- constitute Yoga in practice.

At an evening program I asked Gurudev to please elaborate about accepting pain as a Yoga practice. Was that something we should actively take on?

He smiled. “Don’t go looking for pain,” he said clearly. “Everyone gets their share. Not necessary to go searching for

Games of Life  In the northern Connecticut countryside we often played volleyball barefoot in a big grassy field behind the main Ashram building. Occasionally Gurudev joined us. Of course, we all wanted him to be on our team. Sometimes he did. We played to win and sometimes did. Sometimes we lost. Then he’d say, “It’s good to lose. Look over there on the other side; you see all happy faces. If you win, then all you see is unhappy faces.”

The games of life. Each has a series of successes and failures. Not so significant. Have fun in all conditions.

Looking Wise  In my late 30s I was living at the Connecticut Ashram and Gurudev saw some grey hairs in my beard. “Don’t worry, Prahaladan, he teased me. “Nobody listened to me until my beard turned white.”

Which wasn’t absolutely so.  People were listening to him well before his beard was white.

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