Sunday, August 16, 2015

Don’t Come Empty-Handed

Selections from Devarim/Words in Re’eh  Deut 11.26-16.17

This day I set before you a blessing or a curse.
Hearken to God’s teachings or ignore the wise guidance

Pass over the Jordan  enter into a new awareness;
Go in and possess the land
God is expanding your borders
Your holdings and your understanding

Destroy the nations you are dispossessing
Who have been serving lesser gods
Vanity, self-image, greed, selfishness, gossip, anger, etc.

God is blessing you and causing you to rest
From all your enemies round about you   those old mind patterns
Dwell in safety

Rejoice before God with our sons and daughters
Also with those who serve beside us
And with the Levite within our gates     which is our devotional calling

Love God with all heart and soul      It's our nature
Do what is right and good in God’s eyes

We are a people consecrated to God
Rejoice before God in all that you put your hand unto
                             This is a blessing

Set aside every year a tenth part of the yield
Spend the money as you want

Don’t harden your heart before the needy
Rather open your hand; give readily without regrets
Feed outsiders, orphans, widows and widowers   help the indigent

Remember we were enslaved
Remember the day of our departure from bondage;
Sacrifice in the evening at sundown   A good time to make an offering

Don’t come before God empty-handed
We each bring our own gifts
According to the blessings God is bestowing on us.

Weekly Selections from Deuteronomy
Drawn from the Travelers Torah Gita Calendar, Prahaladan kz1

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